Have you been targeted by what I call the “SEO Spammers” – you know the so called search engine optimization (SEO) experts who email you, out of the blue, claiming that your website is not performing well on Google.
Well, you probably knew that already. Yours and 98% of websites out there.
Of course, they are usually right on this point and that is why they potentially get you hooked.
But what they are really pedaling is the myth of free traffic – the holy grail of a #1 spot on Google. Sure you will get free traffic if you do manage to get to #1 on Google – but it is usually a tough slog. There are a lot of companies out there (many bigger that yours) that are also hiring search engine experts to make sure that they grab the #1 spot and not you.
Do you really want to be slugging it out in the free traffic mud pit and backing your SEO guy vs someone else’s?
And Google is definitely not your friend in this battle.
Here’s why Google is not your friend when it comes to free traffic:
Bottom line, we need to build your business using a paid traffic strategy. e.g. Google Adwords, Facebook advertising, traditional media, direct mail and so on.
If we are relying purely on free traffic, we are building on sand. The traffic may disappear with the next algorithm change from Google.