October 4, 2020
How effective is your business development process?
Yes, you have excellent people. But, are they really delivering the results that you expect? Perhaps you need to turbocharge your BD processes - and guarantee their success. How effective is your BD function? Find out more here.

Aidan Montague MIEAust

NEW BOOK - Coming Soon - How to Grow Your Sales exponentially in a Post-2020 World
Are you struggling with long sales cycles and slow sales? This is a particular problem for those businesses that deliver complex products and services - consulting engineers, mining, oil and gas consultants, technology startups in the B2B space and other sophisticated products.
In this short, practical book (due for Amazon release in September 2020) you will find some proven strategies to solve the immediate problems that your clients are facing - and cut sales cycles by 50% or more.
In the meantime, I recommend you get a head start by downloading the FREE Special Report below. I introduce many of these practical insights in this preliminary report - Special Report - TECH RESET

FREE - Special Report - How to Reposition Your Business for a Post-2020 World
Essential reading for all technology and engineering groups. How to reposition your business to thrive in a post-2020 world.
Here is the exact system that I use with my private clients to turbocharge their business development function.
Would you like to implement this system in YOUR organisation? - FIND OUT MORE

Business Development System
Business Development System
About Aidan Montague.
Aidan Montague is a Professional Engineer by
background and a Member of the Institution of
Engineers, Australia. He has more than 25 years
in sales and marketing operations with a strong
technology and internet background.
Aidan was instrumental in the establishment and growth of
the Australian arm of the internet / communications
global giant, Cisco Systems.
He also has had extensive Board experience on both ASX listed and private companies in Australia. Find Out More
They Say
David Barker
Co- Founder and Senior VP, Ranlytics Pty Ltd – NSW, Australia – Technology Start-up
" Aidan has given our Company some excellent guidance during a recent period leading up to a successful capital raising. I have held leadership positions in some of the world’s largest technology companies and Aidan’s unique, engineering approach to marketing and business growth, is the most practical and effective that I have encountered. We are now well positioned to attack the global market and his advice has helped us enormously."
Carl Jackson
CEO OZSALE - Leading eCommerce Store, Sydney NSW
" I have been blown away by Aidan’s depth of knowledge in online sales and marketing. He really knows how to drive traffic and convert to sales“
John Despott
Executive Chairman, Last Yard (formerly Sign IQ) – Perth, WA, - “Shopper Conversion” - Technology Company
" I have just finished Aidan’s little “Book of Gems” and I like the thinking and methodology a lot. I firmly believe it can help drive our transformation from a local technology company to a serious global player. I have now shared copies with all my C-level executives. A fantastic book!”
Fiona Morgan
Managing Director, Mintrex Engineering Your Success - Mining,WA
" Aidan has enthusiastically imparted his systems and high-level thinking and I look forward to our continuing association”
David Westerman
Former MD, State Custodians Home Loans, NSW Australia – Non-Bank Home Loan Provider
" This has been a major growth year for State Custodians, and Aidan's online marketing guidance has been invaluable”