​​​​How to Increase Leads to Sales Conversion Rate

Frictionless Conversion Engine

Leads to Sales Conversion Rates - Increase with a "Frictionless Conversion Engine"

It is important to to be consistent when we deliver our "value proposition" to a potential client. However, that is easier said than done.

Often we will have a team of executives, including the CEO and various other individuals who are specifically part of the business development team.

Some are excellent at delivering the message, and converting from prospect to paying client. Others are not so skilled. We need to capture how our best people deliver the story - and then bring everyone else up to speed to be just as effective.

Now, that does not mean that we have to script every business development discussion. However, we must have a consistent structure. We must deliver the message at "perfect pitch" or what I refer to as "concert pitch"

Only then, will we be maximising our lead to sales conversion rates.

At this point, we will have a "Frictionless Conversion Engine".

The Problem:

Inconsistent communication of the value proposition to potential clients. This suppresses leads to sales conversion rates.

The Solution:

Examine how are best people - our subject matter experts, deliver the story. Then bring everyone else up to the same level of skill. We do not have to script the pitch. Sophisticated buyers are turned off by that approach. However, we do need a structured approach.

The Frictionless Conversion Engine shown above is the one that I use with my private clients. We strive to "embed" this engine into our important client pre-sales discussion.

If we are struggling to convert leads to sales then we can be sure that one ore more of these elements are missing.

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